If you extract downloaded ZIP file you should have this file structure. The main folder includes four subfolders and three PHP files.
- admin includes folders and PHP files which responsible about the administration backend side.
- includes contains five PHP classes files, they do critical tasks such as activation and deactivation hooks. and loading other classes to the environment.
- public includes the assets folders of the front-end tasks such as JS files which have the code for popups and tooltip. Also, it includes the main class which handles the keywords converting process.
- languages folder will store language files. MO files with appropriate name (e.g. affiliate-butler-pro-en_US.mo) should be located here.
- affiliate-butler-pro.php contains main plugin class. Almost everything will be done or loaded here.
- github.php This file will notify you to install the Envato Market plugin.
- index.php Just an empty file to prevent a direct access to the plugin folder.